New life in Spain preschool education


New life in Spain preschool education

Everyone who moves to Spain permanently or for a long time, with young children aged 0 to 6 years, will get acquainted with the Spanish preschool education system. We will tell you about its features, the necessary documents, the requirements of the country’s legislation to the family and the child, which is planned to arrange a kindergarten in Spain. The need to find a place for a child in kindergarten may arise in any category of emigrated to the country generous sun and siesta. For what reason the family was in the country: as investors who bought property in Spain, moving on a work visa or for some other reasons – it does not matter. In Spain, preschool education is given an important role, and therefore it is considered necessary to prepare for entry into school even the children of illegal immigrants. It is much easier to buy real estate and move to Spain now. You can click on and consider different options.

Legislation: preschool education system in Spain

Despite the importance of preparing the child for school, preschool education is not compulsory in Spain. However, for children who find themselves in a new life and language environment, attending kindergarten will be the foundation for rapid adaptation. Since the main reference point is language learning, the development of creativity and logic, physical education and teamwork skills, it will be much easier for a child in primary school if they are prepared in kindergarten. After 6 years, children in Spain go to primary school. Kindergartens belonging to the first stage of preschool preparation are often simply called “Guardería” (“kindergarten”). Like the second stage kindergartens for children aged 3-6, they can be public, semi-public and private. 

Documents for kindergarten enrolment in Spain

Every child has the right to enter the State kindergarten of the first and second stages. The list of documents which, according to Spanish law, must be submitted is very small:

  • The document that identifies the child (to be issued in Spain).
  • Certificate of available vaccinations (if they have been given in another country, an official translation of the certificate into Spanish must be obtained).

It is the legislation that gives reason to believe that even children of illegal immigrants who stay in Spain without a visa can enter kindergarten free of charge. In practice, kindergartens may also be asked to provide:

  • A residence permit (if there is no identity card issued in Spain).
  • For children born in Spain – “Libro de Familia” (Spanish birth certificate), and having a foreign certificate must do its official translation with an apostille.

Information on the parents’ place of work and address of residence may also be required to enrol the child. This is due to the frequent shortage of places in public kindergartens. When there is a shortage of places, kindergartens are based on how close the family lives, whether there are unemployed people (if so, the child has someone to stay with and the choice is made in favour of families where both parents are employed and cannot sit with the child).

Relationship: carers and children of emigrants

The main purpose of kindergartens in Spain is to adapt the child to social life, develop communication skills, self-confidence and creativity. Working in such institutions is considered very prestigious, teachers in “Guardería” have a pedagogical education, get good money and undergo special certification. Therefore, you can count on a professional – attentive, kind and tactful attitude to the child, especially when it is necessary to get used to living in a new environment.

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